Behavioral Finance: What makes up your mind?

Every decision we make, from where we get coffee in the morning to what we do with a windfall, is a balance between the things we know and the things we don’t. And what we often fail to realize is that there are a range of subconscious biases shaping the way we think and make decisions.

Our team has a focused understanding of how human nature can impact investment decisions. These emotions can often lead investors to poor outcomes. Fear and greed are two of the emotional battles humans deal with when it comes to investment decisions. Working with a team of advisors, trained to understand and work through these emotions with clients is critical to successful outcomes.

Raymond James has been a leader in understanding behavior finance and has created content to explore these topics in greater detail.

Take the Quiz

Are you ready to find out what makes up your mind? Take the quiz. Choose between responses to everyday life scenarios to determine if your results are balanced. Learn more about each of the biases and what you can do to prevent them.

Take the Quiz

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